SimpleXlsx  r0.19
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SimpleXlsx::NumFormat Class Reference

NumFormat helps to create a customized number format. More...

#include <SimpleXlsxDef.h>

Public Attributes

size_t id
 id internal format number (must not be changed manually)
_tstring formatString
 formatString final format form. If set manually, then all other options are ignored
ENumericStyle numberStyle
 numberStyle most general style definition from enumeration
ENumericStyleColor positiveColor
 positiveColor positive numbers color (switched off by default)
ENumericStyleColor negativeColor
 negativeColor negative numbers color (switched off by default)
ENumericStyleColor zeroColor
 zeroColor zero color (switched off by default)
bool showThousandsSeparator
 thousandsSeparator specifies whether to show thousands separator
size_t numberOfDigitsAfterPoint
 numberOfDigitsAfterPoint number of digits after point

Detailed Description

NumFormat helps to create a customized number format.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: